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Scholar-Diplomat Program

The annual John A. Maxwell Scholar-Diplomat Program in Washington, DC, brings West Virginia faculty together with policy-makers and experts in world affairs.

Spring 2020

The United States - “Alone On the World Stage” -- Consequences of U.S. Withdrawal from International Treaties and Organizations


Spring 2019
"Three Big Es for the 21st Century: Economics, Environment, and Energy

April 3-5, 2019

Spring 2018
"Understanding Refugees, Migration, Human Rights and the Rise of Right Wing Populism" 

March 21-23, 2018  

Reading List 
Charles T. Call Article 

Spring 2017

“Trump Triumphant? How Trump’s Vision Will Affect U.S. Foreign Policy & the World”

April 5-7, 2017

Spring 2016

Beyond Migrants and the “Drug War” -New Approaches to the Study of the Western Hemisphere

April 6-8, 2016

Spring 2015

The Pacific Pivot: Overdue Recalibration or Utter Illusion?

April 8-10, 2015


The John A. Maxwell Program is named in memory of the late Co-Director of FACDIS, who served in this capacity from 1984-1996. The Scholar-Diplomat Program was originally Dr. Maxwell’s idea, and was renamed to honor his memory with the Spring, 1996 program. 

To learn more about the history of the Scholar-Diplomat Program, please visit the Archives.