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2017 Scholar-Diplomat Program

Trump Triumphant? How Trump's Vision Will Affect U.S. Foreign Policy & the World

Program Description

SDP 2017

FACDIS Director James Siekmeier, Ned Radulovich of Fairmont State University, and John Feffer, Director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies

Suggested Readings:

The Roots of Trump’s Trade Rage, by Edward Alden, Council on Foreign Relations

Trump and Borders: A Different, and Dangerous, Direction, by Edward Alden, Council on Foreign Relations

What Trump Is Throwing Out the Window and other recent works:, by Jessica T. Mathews, Carnegie Endowment

Belligerent Minimalism: The Trump Administration and the Middle East, by Marc Lynch, The George Washington University and the Carnegie Endowment for International Affairs

Context Matters: Latino Immigrant Civic Engagement in Nine US Cities , co-authored with Jonathan Fox, American University

Context Matters (the rest of the project)

Immigrant civic and political participation from Jonathan Fox, American University

Mexico-US cross-border advocacy networks, from Jonathan Fox, American University

Trump and China by Susan Shirk (from Riordan Roett, SAIS)

The Jacksonian Revolt by Walter Russell Mead (from Riordan Roett, SAIS)

Trump and Russia by Eugene Rumer, Richard Sokolsky, and Andrew Weiss (from Riordan Roett, SAIS)

Arms Control Wonk (blog) Michael Krepon, Stimson Center

Tomgram: John Feffer, A Globalism of the 1% from John Feffer, Institute for Policy Studies

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981-1988, Volume III, Soviet Union, January 1981-January 1983 (editor James Graham Wilson, Office of the Historian)

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981-1988, Volume VI, Soviet Union, October 1986-1989 (editor James Graham Wilson, Office of the Historian N.B. Eric Edelman was the chief political officer in Moscow during the 87-88 volume and Shultz’s executive assistant during part of the 81-83 volume).

Donald Trump: The Making of a World View :A reading suggestion from James Graham Wilson, Office of the Historian (Book being provided by FACDIS)

The Storm by Jon B. Alterman, CSIS

Restoring Solvency: The military buildup we need, by Hal Brands and Eric Edelman (SAIS)

A Measured US Strategy for the New Africa by J. Peter Pham (from Ambassador Jendayi Frazer)

‘Make America Great Again’ in Africa by Rosa Whitaker (from Ambassador Jendayi Frazer)

From Coletta Youngers, Washington Office on Latin America:

Article 1: The major development in drug control policy was the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs last April

Article 2: This UNDP report is excellent and provides a good overview of drug policy reform efforts

Article 3: One issue that Youngers is very focused on now is the issue of women, drug policy and incarceration. WOLA put out this guide to policy reform that might be of interest to folks

Comment: There is not yet any analysis of the Trump administration’s drug control positions. Youngers has just returned from Vienna where she attended the annual UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs meeting. There she was surrounded by current U.S. officials. She plans to share her observations from Vienna on the Trump administration’s shift in policy.