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FACDIS 2001: L-R Past Director Jack Hammersmith, Anne Levine, Founding Director Sophia Peterson, and Michael Strada

FACDIS has twice received national recognition for its work: a Certificate of Excellence in TIAA-CREF’s 2000 Theodore M. Hesburgh Award for Faculty Development to Enhance Undergraduate Teaching; and the 1987 G. Theodore Mitau Award for Innovation and Change in Higher Education, conferred on the Consortium by American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). FACDIS also received the first-ever Cyrus R. Vance Award for International Education, bestowed by the West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts (2001) and was the recipient of the 2004 Innovator Award given by the Southern Growth Policies Board, a regional public policy think tank, formed by the region’s governors, and serving thirteen southern states and Puerto Rico. The award recognized one innovative program responding to globalization from each state.


Recognition of FACDIS by TIAA-CREF, 2000

A Title VI grant from the U.S. Department of Education supported FACDIS/s organization and funding during its first three years. Since, 1984 FACDIS has received its annual operating budget from the state higher education governing boards and participating institutions. Special projects have been funded by $1.5 million in external grants.